Thursday, June 4, 2015

Put Your Feet To The Pavement!!!

Hey ya'll!!!

**Yep, I said ya'll...lets get one thing straight. I am southern and I love it and embrace it wholeheartedly!! I say things such as, ya'll when I am just chatting in my everyday life so it will be no different here. :) However I don't have the thick accent...and honestly wish I did.**

Today is an exciting day!!!! I have not only decided to resurrect my blog but actually write! Trust me, this is a huge accomplishment. You know it's one thing to say that you want to do something verses actually putting your feet to the pavement(as my mama says). For all of you non-southerners all that means is to follow up your words with actions...GET MOVING!! I really do love to write, so blogging is a great release for me that I have put on the back burner. I'm definitely an introvert so this is my area. 

As exciting as this is, its very intimidating for me as well. I say that because this is a faith move for me. My desire is for this blog to address practical, day to day life while honoring God. My goal is to not only help or encourage others but for others to join in on this!! We are in this together!! I so badly want to involve God in every part of my life, to spread a little Jesus. To be His hands and feet, you know? It's going to take much prayer, dedication and time with the Lord and these are areas that I absolutely need to grow in, so this is my faith project ! :) I think that it's important to have things that in our life that make us dive deeper into Gods word and create more reasons to spend time with Him. I mean let's be honest once we are in His presence, it's the best thing before slice bread LOL...and yes, I am corny and yes, I do laugh at myself. I literally just fell out laughing. But you get it right..he was before sliced bread...? 

Anyway, this has got me to thinking. How many times does God press things on our hearts to do and we get excited about it, but it never manifest? This has happened many times in my life and this is something that I am currently dealing with. I always have these ideas or thoughts to start this or that but it never happens. Of course we have to spend time with the Lord to know what it is that He is asking if us and when God places things in your heart to do for Him we should act on it. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay. It's so important to write down what God has shown us, spoken to us or even those desires, talents and gifts that he has placed inside of us. We do this so that ourselves as well as others are able to read it easily and run with it, put it to action. 

What God has placed in us is for a specific season in life and it will manifest in that time. Now, it will take some time, it may even seem as though it's never going to happen. If you remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the WORK of the Lord, knowing that your work is not in vain...IT WILL HAPPEN!!! 1 Corinthians 15:58 So, if you are wanting to start a business, becoming a designer, writing a book, starting a ministry, no matter what it is. I encourage you to seek God and ask for His guidance. God has a plan for each and everyone of us, but He gives us freewill so it's up to us. Write it, plan it, do it!!! Let's get moving!!Put our feet to the pavement! LOL. 

Stay beautiful beauties!!
XOXO, Carla

Friday, June 15, 2012

Come meet me!!!

Hey loves!!

This being my very first blog I decided to give you all the chance to come meet me! First things first I am a 23 year old chica who is your ultimate southern girl next door. I love all things girly!!! I am a person that is by no means perfect, but thankfully Jesus Christ loves me enough to look beyond my faults. I recently graduated from college and RETURNED back home to live with my parents while working to establish myself. 0_0 I have decided to begin blogging because its one of the best releases ever!!...I still have a diary. *shurg*Cant help it! lol. I want to not only show others that are in the same position as I am in life that they are not alone, but to also to gain knowledge and advice on day to day things. This will be extremely unorthodox lol. I say that because I want you to be able to feel me, to hear me and understand that I am just like you!! Now, there may not always be a blog that has a specific topic, those will be called Carla Chat. Carla Chat will be just that.....we'll chat. I want to chat with you about the difficulties of transitioning from college to back home, my relationship with Jesus Christ as a young woman, love and relationships(you may get to hear from my love aka boyfriend) lol, family, dance, makeup, and all things Lush!! I know, I know, lush to me is anything or anyone that is absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, special, sweet, cute, hot or your style...I think you get the picture. I am hoping that this will be a daily thing but don't kill me if its not!! I hope that you join me for this journey in this season of life. If so, please follow me hear on blogspot! Muah!!

XOXO, Carla

The post above was written about 2-3 years ago. Many things have changed. 1. The name of the blog. Once Carla Chat, now Kingdom Beauties. A future blog will have more details regarding what Kingdom Beauties is all about. In a nutshell, it's something that God dropped in my heart maybe 2 years ago. Kingdom Beauties seeks to be a venue where women can gain understanding of love, beauty and self  worth God's way. At Kingdom Beauties we encourage ladies to honor God with you life and bodies. It was pretty much birthed out of my history with purity, victories and failures with keeping my body pure.  So, join me on this journey of understanding who God is and fulfilling His purpose in our lives. Feel free to comment and follow...We need each other!! I am already praying for you beauties!! 

Stay Beautiful Beauties, 
XOXO, Carla